Herriard and Winslade

The villages of Herriard and Winslade are on the A339 road between Basingstoke and Alton. Winslade is 3 miles south of Basingstoke and Herriard a further 2 miles.

The villages are described here (Winslade) and here (Herriard) on the Hampshire County Council website.

To reach the villages by SatNav you can use postcode RG25 2PL for Herriard or RG25 2NF for Winslade.

To locate the villages using Google maps click here (Herriard) or here (Winslade).

Please click here for the Herriard Parish website.

Information on the Herriard Estates is available here.

(the pictures below, by Hugh Chevallier, are copyright but licensed for further reuse)