What’s Going On

There are many ways of finding out what’s happening in Upton Grey.

The Parish Magazine is published at the start of the month and is delivered to every household in the village. It carries advance notice of future events, both at the church and elsewhere. It also contains interesting articles about the community and a number of useful contacts.

Information about village events and Parish Council matters is carried on the notice boards at the Village Hall (a few yards up Church Street from the village pond).

There is a Facebook page: Upton Grey Village Community Info

Church notices are displayed on the notice board in the church porch.

The Village Shop has a small-ads notice board just inside the door.

Organisers of coming events will normally place posters just inside the door of the Hoddington Arms and in the Village Shop.

In a small, relatively compact community like Upton Grey, event organisers might drop flyers through your door – and even call on you for your support!

And word of mouth is a strong means of communicating in this geographically close community.

And this website carries the Parish Magazine and a wealth of other information!